ECTB - Leading in biological bone regeneration and infection prevention

The challenges of bone infection and re-infection

As a doctor, you have experience in the prevention and treatment of bone infections, re-infections and biofilms.
You are familiar with the challenge of

  • Biofilm
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Reconstruction of bony defects
  • Reconstruction of bony defects
  • Death space management
  • PJI
  • FRI
  • SSI
  • Infected pseudarthrosis
  • Resistance to antibiotics

Reasons to use OS-Pure and why is
OS +Vanco / +Tobra impregnated with
high-dose antibiotics?

Effective strategies for the prevention of infections such as osteomyelitis are described in the clinical literature. Our procedure guarantees the purest and safest quality of bone grafts. This enables the bone to be impregnated with antibiotics, which are then transplanted with high bioavailability. This method enables a local, high-dose release of antibiotics. OS +Vanco / +Tobra ensures a prolonged release of antibiotics above the MIC level for at least 42 days, thus preventing re-infections and biofilm. When using
OS +Vanco
/ +Tobra , no white drainage occurs even at high volumes

Importantly, OS +Vanco / +Tobra has no adverse effects on post-operative renal function, even in patients with co-morbidities. (EBJIS 2024, treatment of osteomyelitis using cancellous allograft bone impregnated with antibiotics – Hauer, Moshammer, Leithner – MedUni Graz).

Properties of the ECTB allografts Info OS +Vanco/+Tobra OS-Pure
Bone Graft Impacting Yes favicon_ectb favicon_ectb
White Drainage/White leakage Never favicon_ectb
May have contact with soft tissue Yes favicon_ectb favicon_ectb
Highest concentration of antibiotics 10cc = 1.000mg Vancomycin
10cc = 400mg Tobramycin
Osteoconductive Yes favicon_ectb favicon_ectb
Osteoinductive Promoting through intact collagen favicon_ectb favicon_ectb
Risk of mixing errors or too early/fast curing Never favicon_ectb favicon_ectb
Simple and easy mixing and combining, even with autograft Yes favicon_ectb favicon_ectb
Remodelling to bone Yes favicon_ectb favicon_ectb
Halo effect No through complete remodelling favicon_ectb favicon_ectb
Prolonged release of vancomycin (Study MedUni Graz/Austria and King's College Hsp. London) Day 1: 40mg/mL
Day 21: 20mg/mL
Day 42: 18mg/mL
High primary stability Yes Kings College study favicon_ectb favicon_ectb
Is the product also used without the addition of antibiotics? Yes favicon_ectb
Can be impregnated with antibiotics intraoperative Yes favicon_ectb

contact us

Do you have any questions or need further information? Write to us or contact us by phone – we’ll be happy to help you!